Get Ready...

My favorite season is drawing near and i'm so excited! You can hear it as soon as you step outside. Birds chattering and the bumble bees are always the first ones out zooming by. Daffodils and Crocus are the first to bloom, and next will be Camelias, Tulips and cherry blossoms.

I spent a day clearing the raised beds and double digging, to make way for two dozen Totem strawberries, a few asparagus roots, and Amity ever-bearing raspberries to replace my previous dying ever-bearing raspberries.

This is my first time growing asparagus. They take an extra bit of patience at first, since you cannot harvest for the first two years, but after that they will produce for up to 20 years. I made sort of a trench, and i actually re-dug it a bit deeper after i took the photo. While i had the roots soaking for a half hour in compost tea, i prepped the raised bed for the raspberries. Those, too, had to soak.

I dedicated two raised beds to the strawberries alone. I usually pick up a few strawberries each season and put them in random spots in the garden. They've either died or struggled. I plan to pamper these ones this year, so that we actually get a real harvest.

My mister has done such a wonderful job building us a rubble stone patio in the middle of our garden. It's going to be so nice sitting in the cedar's shade in summer among the geraniums, which should spill out onto the stone patio.

I've spent hours weeding, pruning, and picking up countless sticks and cones from the wind storms these past couple of weeks and i'm so glad i've been prepping earlier than usual this year for spring. It's about to be a jungle out there. ~


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