Moss & Mirth Wildlife Sanctuary

Recently I found out about a program that the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife have for habitat loss and protecting local wildlife.

 I love gardening organically, growing native plants and observing the flora and fauna thrive. 

My little hermitage was established nearly 35 years ago, when the previous owners built my home on a piece of land that sits atop a hill in the middle of a temperate rain forest. What once was an area inhabited by natives, then Croatian fisherman and Swedish immigrants raising dairy cows and strawberries, is now a mix of small homesteads and neighborhoods dotted throughout the forest. With more and more of the forest being developed, the wildlife are of course losing their homes. I feel blessed to live among such beauty; giant trees, birds galore, little furries, and big ones, too! Not to mention the gorgeous caterpillars, butterflies, moths, spiders and amphibians! 

I'm so grateful and I don't feel as though I'm sharing my home with the local wild inhabitants, but I feel they are sharing their home with my family and I, for they were here long before us.

I am proud to be a manager of this lovely little sanctuary and will do all that I can to keep it a safe, happy, and healthy home.



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