Under the Bay Tree

Here I sit under the bay tree
Where feelings of thankfulness and joy flood my heart
 I watch little hands create works of art
As the birds sing and the breeze gently rustles leaves
I close my eyes and thank He
The one who created such beauty
The moon and the stars
The sea and everything between the heart of the earth and the glory of the sun
The work of His hands
The treasures of my heart

I am so proud of my husband. He is such a talented Arborist! 
He takes great care of our trees. He has nurtured them all, pruning them and 
watching out for disease. He has especially nurtured this bay tree, that has become our go-to spot outside. He's spent the past 4 years shaping the tree into this magnificent umbrella shape. 
It's a wonderful place to escape the heat of the day or to get cover from the rain.

It's awesome having an endless supply of bay leaves, too. We love cooking with them! Especially with roasts and in sauces.
We had a bit of a heatwave over the weekend. 
The house was much too hot, so we spent most of the day eating iced sweets under the bay tree. 
Frozen strawberry lemonade was cold & delicious.

Late into the evening 
I sat among mosquitos, while I wrapped freshly picked lavender around a little grapevine wreath. 
It was something to keep my mind off of the heat.


I can't complain too much about the heat here. It's not often and nothing like California's heat. 
Plus, I think the garden enjoys it. Not too much though, and as long as there is plenty of water. 



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